Journal #2 Drafting

In my experience, drafting and revising writing projects took a long time to reach a quality final project. When given big writing projects in AP Literature, the class would meet in small peer editing groups where we would have printed out multiple copies of our work and hand them to our classmates for revision. They would make changes to the piece, and hand them back so we could correct things like grammar, awkward wording, or they would advise to move sentences or topics around, or take certain things out completely. When revising, I could make the suggested changes or choose to not change anything if I disagreed with the critique. After being peer reviewed multiple times by different people, I would revise the piece again myself, reading it aloud to make sure the writing flows and that everything is correct. This system was very helpful for me, especially when writing my college essay. I benefited from receiving help from many of my peers, because they could notice things about my writing that I never would, and they would think of ways of fixing the writing that never occurred to me. I also enjoyed helping other people improve their writing pieces. In my experience, peer editing helped me in many writing assignments.

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